There are several ways to increase potency at home. These include exercise, unconventional recipes, medications, and a healthy lifestyle. Ideally, it is necessary to solve the problem comprehensively, only such an approach can restore men's health and consolidate the result for a long time.
In this article you will learn how to quickly increase a man's potency by natural means: products, recipes, physical activity and drugs.

Exercises to increase the potency of men at home
With age, the muscles of the prostate weaken, this leads to a bad erection and a decrease in the duration of intercourse. Because of this, the man experiences psychological discomfort, the desire to have sex disappears. Training will help restore impaired functions in case of problems with potency, the following types of exercises are considered effective:
- Actions with the genitals are performed with a morning erection. If it is weak, you should try to strengthen with the muscles of the perineum. To begin with, 5-10 movements are enough, every day the number is increased several times. A week later, the man must perform 30 contractions, each of which it is necessary to hold the penis in a tense state for 2-3 seconds. After some time, a weighting agent is used in training, the number of movements is increased up to 40-50 times.
- The next exercise is to rotate the pelvis for 2-3 minutes a day. The movements are made in a circular and figure-eight way, this prevents blood stagnation in the pelvic area.
- One of the most effective and ancient methods of restoring a bad erection is "walking" on the buttocks. To do this, sit on the floor and try to move 2 meters back and forth.
- You can improve blood circulation in the small pelvis by throwing your legs over your head. To do this, a man must lie down on a horizontal surface, lift and hold his limbs in a raised position for 15 seconds. The number of approaches is from 5 to 10 times.

Movement on the buttocks improves blood flow to the reproductive system
Important!In general, any sport and physical activity has a positive effect on sexual health. Sedentary work is considered particularly harmful, so warming up during breaks is highly recommended.
PC muscle training

The pubococcygeus muscle is located between the scrotum and the anus. It is responsible for the work of the urinary tract, the flow and outflow of blood in the penis. To feel it, you need to stop the flow as you urinate. As a result of regular exercise:
- the risk of developing prostate disease is reduced;
- the duration of sexual intercourse increases;
- the erection becomes persistent.
Exercise consists of contracting, holding and relaxing the muscle. For beginners, strings and pauses for 3 seconds are enough, the number of repetitions is 20-30 times. By the end of the week, 50 approaches are carried out. Training at this rate lasts 14 days. The retention time of the muscles is gradually increased, reaching 10 seconds, 4 seconds are taken to rest. The number of repetitions grows up to 100 times.
They work at an accelerated pace for a month, therefore, in order to maintain the condition, a man must choose an optimal load for himself. It is important to pay attention to the technique of execution, focus on the work of the PC muscles only, you can not strain the buttocks and abdominals.
Note! The result of Kegel training appears after 2-6 months, depending on the situation. He is checked with a towel, which is placed on the penis and lifted, if there are no difficulties with this, the goal has been achieved.
How to increase potency in folk ways
Vegetables, fruits and herbs have numerous beneficial properties. From them are prepared decoctions, tinctures and eaten fresh. They are able not only to increase power at home, but also to strengthen the body as a whole.
Recipes with honey and nuts
Honey combined with walnuts contains zinc, selenium, magnesium and other minerals necessary for human health. Honey has a stimulating effect on the reproductive system, nuts have long since restored potency. There are several recipes with ingredients:
- Grind in a meat grinder100 gramsnuts, pour20 mlliquid honey and mix. The mass must be consumed for4hours before going to sleep. The duration of the course ranges from 14 to 30 days.
- Garlic in quantity120 gsteamed, add50 grosehip decoction,100 gramswalnuts, pink radiola60 g, honey500 g. . . The medicine is taken 1 large spoon, 2 times a day before meals. The duration of use is 60-90 days.
- Mix in containers500 gChopped walnuts350g honey,50 galoe juice, parsnip seeds100 grams. . . The mixture is taken 1 large spoon 3 times a day before meals for 30 days.

Important! Honey has some contraindications that you need to know before using it. Allergy sufferers should be especially careful, the product can cause anaphylactic shock.
Folk recipes for tinctures with ginseng

The plant is widely used in oriental and domestic folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases, including sexual dysfunctions. Ginseng root is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, it was used by the ancient emperors. You can prepare the tincture yourself in one of the following ways:
- The root of the plant in an amount of 25 g is crushed, poured with 1 glass of vodka and placed in a dark room. The product is ready for use in 2 weeks. Take 50 grams in the evening.
- Medium-sized ginseng root is poured with 2-3 liter bottles of vodka or alcohol, insisting for 2 weeks.
The finished tincture is taken in 30-35 drops, which are added to ¼ glass of water. The medicine is drunk every day, half an hour before breakfast. The duration of use is determined by the degree of violation, the agent has side effects and contraindications.
Tincture of garlic
Garlic manifests its effect slowly, a man can feel the effect on potency with regular use of the tincture. The product thins the blood, promotes a good inflow and outflow to the genitals, as well as:
- Reduces the risk of developing prostatitis;
- Increases the quantity and quality of the seed;
- Promotes testosterone production.
The tincture is prepared from 1 head of garlic. Cloves peeled and cut in half are put in a jar, 0. 3 ml of vodka is poured and left for 3 days in the dark. The filtered liquid is taken with a large spoonful of water, three times a day before meals. Most men notice an improvement in potency after a week of treatment.

Alcohol tincturenot suitable for everyone, in which case it can be done on the water. To do this, use one kilogram of the product, which is placed in a jar with a volume of 3 liters and filled with hot water. The liquid should stand in the dark for 30 days, stirred every day. The resulting medicine is consumed in 1 tbsp. spoon after meals with milk.

Before the existence of synthetic drugs, the ancient Romans used onions to increase potency in the home. The vegetable normalizes the work of the endocrine and nervous systems, helps the sex glands to function properly. Onions are healthy and fresh, they make a salad, and sour cream is used as a dressing.
You can cook onions with honey. For this, a small head is crushed and 300 g of beekeeping product is added. This composition is consumed after a meal, a large spoonful, three times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
Products to increase potency, list
Many foods have an effect on men's health. People use them every day and are unaware of their beneficial properties. The list of potency enhancing products includes:

- Mackerel, flounder;
- Mussels, shrimps, prawns, squid; Stingray;
- Beef, turkey, horse, rabbit, chicken;
- quail eggs;
- Bananas, oranges, lemons, watermelons, pomegranates, dried dates, figs;
- Avocado, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, beets;
- Raspberries, blueberries;
- pumpkin seeds, ginger;
- Chocolate;
- Freshly squeezed pomegranate, pumpkin, celery juice;
- Pine nuts, nutmeg, peanuts;
- Cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, kefir, yogurt and others.
The effect of the products is different, after some it comes almost immediately, but it does not last long, so they go before intercourse. Others need to be consumed regularly and the results are long lasting.
Rest more and more active

According to statistics, 1/8 of the male population has chronic fatigue syndrome, it appears due to frequent stress, great overload at work and environmental situation. Due to this problem, the feeling of fatigue does not go away even after prolonged sleep and rest. To recover, men are advised to organize active rest more often, during which it is necessary to turn off all gadgets. you can go camping with the whole family, fishing or playing sports. Thanks to such an active rest, you will feel a charge of vivacity and strength.
Normalize sleep
The maximum concentration of sex hormones is achieved during sleep, which explains the appearance of a morning erection. If you don't get enough sleep, the substances cannot be fully produced, which negatively affects your sex life. Lack of sleep also affects the work of all systems, a person becomes distracted and irritable. As a result of research, it was found that a person needs 8 hours of rest to restore the body.

To feel rested and to get the maximum benefit for potency, it is necessary to provide darkness, silence and a comfortable temperature in the room. It is recommended to sleep on your back without lifting the pillow high. The position on the stomach is contraindicated, due to it there is a violation of blood circulation in the small pelvis.
Means and preparations for restoring potency
Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals present various drugs for increasing potency for sale. They differ in composition, cost, indications and contraindications. Before using drugs, a doctor's consultation is required.
Sildenafil drugs are designed to improve erectile function without affecting libido and not causing cravings. The list of sildenefil-based drugs includes a large number of drugs, a specialist will help you choose the right one, having studied the problem in detail.
Important!Some men do not fully understand the principle of action of drugs and therefore may be disappointed with the effect. Drugs only help with arousal against the background of sexual stimulation.
Give up bad habits
Excessive alcohol consumption affects testosterone production, which leads to a decrease in potency and sexual desire. The sperm count decreases, they become lethargic. In addition to the damage described above, drugs can cause chromosomal mutations. Nicotine has a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system and causes hypertension, which directly affects the erection. Giving up bad habits is the first thing a man must do to restore potency.
Problems with men's health can be eliminated if you take care of your health in time and do not let the situation take its course. It is especially important to do this for those who cannot conceive children, as well as for young people, as they are increasingly turning to doctors with erectile dysfunction.